
Why Machine learning ? We want to avoid hand crafted invariants of a particular form . Also, obtaining labels (invariants here) is expensive as the problem is undecidable so we use RL.

For a program with a single loop and pre and post conditions, we only need the invariant for a solver to be able to prove it. Strategy -> Organize the program in a hierarchical way, compose the invariant step by step, focus on a different part of the program step by step

Structured external memory

Encode the program as a graph (Allamanis et al). First convert the program to SSA form and then construct a CFG. Then for each node in the graph, build an AST. 3 edge types used (6 including reverse edges) i.e. CFG edge, AST edge or variable linking edge (this edge connects each occurrence of a variable to a canonical node for that variable)

Using GNN, we get an embedding for each node after a fixed number of iterations. This is the memory module.

Step by Step invariant generation

Invariant is assumed to be in CNF form (tree). Model the process as a MDP with a T step time horizon. (S, a, r) -> state, action, reward Action: (op, T) -> at each step the action can add to an existing clause or add a new clause

The policy is :

where $T_{(<t)}$ is the tree constructed till time t.

Trees are generated using a pre defined language and using a syntax directed decoder (a la Rishabh Singh’s neuro symbolic PS)

State: Partial tree and graph


Encode the partial tree into embedding using TreeLSTM and then use it to read into the external memory

RL setup

Why RL? Because we have no supervision

Problems for the RL setup :

  1. Reward is sparse (we only know correctness at the end)
  2. Non smooth objective (either correct or not)